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photo: Abeer Khan

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Bharati Kapadia (b. 1946)

“As a child, I often wondered, what is it that animates me? Who, or what is it that propels me to move? This sense of wonderment was coupled with a deep-seated yearning. A longing for I knew not what. An absent presence in myself constantly called out to me. Made me aware of itself through the yearning which welled up in me under any and every pretext.


Realizing the nature of the life generating impulse is my ongoing concern as an artist and as a human being”.  – Bharati Kapadia


Known for her innovative approach to materials, mediums and techniques, Bharati Kapadia has exhibited widely in India and abroad. She has participated in international exhibitions including THE SEARCH WITHIN showcasing works by 10 Indian and 10 Austrian artists, Pernegg and Salzburg in Austria and National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi and Mumbai; OBJECTS OF WONDER at The Brewster Project, Detroit, USA; 8th European Patchwork Meet, Alsace, France. She has participated in art initiatives by Transcultural Exchange, Boston: THE COASTER PROJECT and THE TILE PROJECT and is an awardee of the Apex Art International Residency, New York. 

Her solo performance UNTOLD STORIES, has been performed in India, Istanbul and Liverpool, Nova Scotia, Canada. Her 2 video works, ‘L For…’ and ‘Playing with Danger’, have been screened internationally. 


She was awarded the BASE scholarship for Artistic Research//Art based Philosophy for 2017 and has presented at the Aesthetic and the Political in Contemporary India: Deleuzian Explorations, Mumbai, 2017.


She was the co-curator of VAICA 1, the festival of video art by Indian contemporary artists 2019 and VAICA 2, presented online, 2021.


She was in Frankfurt in early July 2022 for the international, interdisciplinary project ‘Bodies Unprotected’ curated by Dr. Sandra Noeth and hosted by  Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, to show her latest film HOW DO I SHOW THE OCEAN SPACE YOU CARRIED INSIDE YOU? made on the poet, playwright, director, actor, Bhadrakant Zaveri (1937-1993).

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